Why do we need to police vet our members?
SLSNZ and SLSNR are committed to building a culture of child safeguarding and to set out its expectations on how staff, volunteers and members should respond when they have concerns about the safety and well-being of children and young people.
It is the responsibility of SLSNZ, SLSNR and Clubs to ensure that all children placed under the responsibility of the organisation are able to participate in educational, sporting and lifesaving activities in a safe and secure environment, the first step in achieving this is through police vetting our members.
We ask that all lifeguards, coaches (junior and senior), instructors, and club committee/board members complete the police vetting process.
We would encourage all those members aged 18+ to complete this process.
A reminder that the police vetting process is:
Complete only SECTIONS 2 and 3 of the PVS form (Open Here)
Photos of two forms of ID (one must be a photo ID) *See below for more ID information
A picture of the person holding their photo ID so we can confirm they are who they say they are
Once completed, send all of this to policevetting@lifesaving.org.nz for processing.
Police Vetting - Identification Types
Primary IDs include:
• Passport (NZ or Overseas)
• NZ Firearms Licence
• NZ Full Birth Certificate (issued on/after 1998*)
• NZ Citizen Certificate
• NZ Refugee Travel Document
• NZ Emergency Travel Document
• NZ Certificate of Identity
*The Children’s Regulations 2015 states that a NZ Birth Certificate may only be used as a Primary identity document if issued on or after the 1st of January 1998 and carrying a unique identification number.
Secondary IDs include:
• NZ Drivers Licence
• 18+ Card
• NZ Full Birth Certificate (issued before 1998)
• Community Services Card
• SuperGold Card
• NZ Employee Photo Identification Card
• NZ Student Photo Identification Card
• Inland Revenue number
• NZ issued utility bill (issued within 6 months)
• NZ Teachers Registration Certificate
• NZ Electoral Roll Record
• International Driving Permit
• Steps to Freedom Form